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Community Spotlight: Shore Buddies

Community Spotlight: Shore Buddies

Community Spotlight: Shore Buddies

As a company that prioritizes sustainability above all, we understand that we can’t tackle this mission alone. It requires a dedicated community with a genuine commitment to making the planet healthier and more beautiful for future generations. We particularly value connecting with companies that recognize the impact children have on our future and provide them with the tools and knowledge to adopt sustainable habits. This is where our friends at Shore Buddies come in.

We are grateful to have Shore Buddies in the play industry, raising awareness about consumption, recycling, and the importance of play tools in shaping the future, starting with young children. These lessons are conveyed through lovable, plush characters made from recycled water bottles, inspired by the sea life we aspire to protect. Shore Buddies was founded by Malte Niebelschuetz, an entrepreneur from Germany with a passion for play and waste reduction.

We interviewed Malte to explore the origins of Shore Buddies, the ongoing mission behind the brand, and to gather insightful tips on how we can all collaborate to make the planet healthier and happier through play and small life changes.

PlanToys: Can you introduce yourself and tell us about Shore Buddies? How did it all begin, and what kinds of products do you create?

MN: Hi, Thanks for having me. I am Malte, the founder of Shore Buddies and it all started on the beaches of San Diego. Moving there from Germany and seeing the impact of plastic pollution first hand changed my perspective. However, there was hope. All those organizations that were raising awareness through beach clean ups and other activities, encouraged me to get involved. I felt that everyone wanted to help and stop this, but the answers were just not more clean ups, I felt. It’s almost like rolling a stone up a hill… We needed change on a bigger level. That’s when I discovered the outdoor clothing brand Patagonia; and how they are making T-Shirts and Jackets from recycled plastic bottles. Nowadays, everyone is doing that. But Patagonia certainly were the first ones. Already back in the 1990s. After reading this article about Patagonia, my entrepreneurial spirit kicked it. I was fascinated. What other products can you make? And truth be told, the first thing I saw was a stuffed animal. So, I was wondering. If you can make a shirt, you probably can make a stuffed animal. Shore Buddies was born. We released them to the market in summer 2014.

Malte Niebelschuetz, founder of Shore Buddies holds a Shore Buddy plush on the beach
Founder, Malte Niebelschuetz and a group of Shore Buddies

We all know that adults enjoy toys just as much as children. What are your favorite ways for both children and adults to play with these critters?

This is where the magic happens! Shore Buddies is so much more than a stuffed animal. It's storytelling. Each character comes with a different background and topic of Ocean Plastic Pollution. It’s a learning experience for the whole family. We have animated videos, picture books and of course, the plushies themselves. It’s a great experience for young and old and everyone can learn something. We even have a plastic footprint calculator that we always recommend our customers to take. It’s shocking how much plastic we all use on a daily basis if we don’t pay attention. For me, education is two things. Awareness and empowerment. We don’t understand the things we don’t see. That’s why Shore Buddies are a great way to learn about Ocean Plastic Pollution, because you can immediately relate to the animal in front of you. The empowerment then comes from the tools we provide to actually help you help Shelly and her Shore Buddies not to swim in plastic.

A group of Sammy Seals in a bucket

Group of children holding a Shore Buddy, Sammy the Seal
Sammy the Seal in schools

What inspired you to enter the play industry?

It started with the product idea to make a plush out of recycled plastic bottles. However, it quickly turned into so much more after realizing the power of toys. I am fascinated by psychology and am amazed by the fact how fast we learn as kids. I always bring up the example of learning a second or third language as a kid, compared to as an adult. It is so much easier and literally becomes second nature if we learn languages before the age of 7th. Now imagine we teach sustainable values and about the impact we have on the environment from an early age on. I truly believe this is how we change the world. Or as we say at Shore Buddies. How we improve the World.

Shore Buddies group photo

All the current Shore Buddies: Finn the Dolphin, Emma the Whale, Stephen Seagull, Shelly the Sea Turtle, Sammy the Seal

How does Shore Buddies distinguish itself from other plush toys on the market? What do you hope families experience when they bring a Shore Buddy into their lives?

This is a great question! While we were a pioneer in using recycled plastic for the plush, for us this was never the main differentiator. Nowadays everyone is doing those kinds of things. Some for the reason that they truly want to make a difference, others purely for marketing reasons of having a green product. At Shore Buddies we believe in an approach where everything should be considered. Not only what the product is made from. First of all, we are a fully Mission Driven company. We are a California registered “Social Purpose” corporation that requires us to do two things. A) All our products have to be sustainably made - this might be even a different material than recycled plastic in the future, and B) All our products have to have an environmental educational value. This means, everyone who interacts with a Shore Buddy, shall think more ecological in the future.

Shore Buddies manufacturing process

How do you source the recycled plastic for your products? Can you provide some insight into your manufacturing process?

I cannot go too much into this, but our sources are all GRS (Global Recycling Standard) certified. One thing I do want to make clear, which is often a huge misconception, we do not get the plastics out of the Ocean. While those clean ups we see in the news and on social media are great and good, those materials should not go into children’s toys. The required collection, sorting and cleaning process to make them kid safe is beyond expensive and doesn't make those materials a good fit for a children’s product. There are other applications for those collected plastics, like building materials for example, but certainly not a children’s toy. Therefore, we get our plastic bottles from the recycling stream. Did you know that only 9% of all plastic actually gets recycled? So the goal is to have solutions such as Shore Buddies to provide an outlet for those recycled materials and improve the collection of recyclables around the world. This way, we do not have to wait until the reach the ocean and fish them back out. 

Sammy the Seal

What have been some of your favorite discoveries on this journey so far?

My favorite part is always the customer feedback. When they share their personal stories how they interact with Shore Buddies and how they learn. We once had an angry dad who reached out to us and said that his daughter hates him now because of Shore Buddies. Apparently it was one of our products that taught her about plastic straws and how they can affect marine animals. Well, apparently it didn't go to well for the dad when he persisted to get one with his drink at family dinner.

Shore Buddies Save the Shore Mission - News and media outlets that have featured Shore Buddies (Forbes, CBS, Kick Starter, Fox 5)

Play is essential for teaching children healthy habits for themselves and the planet. How does Shore Buddies support this narrative through its products?

All our plushies come with their own background stories and a topic of Ocean Plastic Pollution. While our Finn the Dolphin is a huge advocate not to use plastic straws, Sammy the Seal reminds you to bring a reusable bag when you go grocery shopping. We have those mini stories on the hang tags of the products and you can also scan a QR code and watch a short, animated video on the topic. In addition, we have an email newsletter where we constantly publish family friendly tips and stories around Ocean Plastic Pollution. 

In what ways does Shore Buddies give back to the environment?

We donate part of our proceeds to non-profit organizations that are in line with our Mission Statement “Bringing Sustainability into Play, to Keep Plastics out of the Ocean”. For example, there are several organizations that always leave a Shore Buddy behind in the classrooms when they do their educational outreach in public schools. Other events we do are beach clean ups or recycling contests. For us, it is all about education: Awareness and Empowerment.

Shore Buddy, Stephen Seagull

What are some ways people can make a positive impact on the planet and animal welfare, especially for those who might feel overwhelmed?

Buy eco-friendly products over others. It literally starts with each individual. Buy sustainable toys such as PlanToys, Shore Buddies or others that are making an impact. For me personally, business is the easiest form of democracy. You literally hold all the voting power in your wallet. You also can vote every day. Not just every 4 years. As the customer, you hold all the power (the money). As the company, you have to provide what the customers want. If not, you will be out of business very soon. Also, use less plastic. Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.   

As an active contributor to the sustainable community, what other projects are you involved in beyond Shore Buddies?

I started the Sustainable Toy Podcast where I interview people from the toy industry that are making sustainability a priority. I also consult other toy companies on their practices and guide them how to reduce their plastic footprints.

PlanToys has been part of the Sustainable Toy Podcast. Listen to our episode by clicking here.

Shore Buddies keychains

Where can people find Shore Buddies?

www.shore-buddies.com and on Amazon. We also sell to selected retailers around the country. 

Are there any upcoming developments you can share? How can people stay updated on Shore Buddies' news?

We are making major changes to our 2025 Shore Buddies line that I cannot share yet. But be “ashored” they will get even more sustainable. Stay connected by subscribing to our Ocean Newsletter on our website and follow us on Social Media (@shorebuddies).

Use code PlanBuddy to enjoy 20% off your next Shore Buddies purchase. Whether you're getting your first buddy, expanding your collection, or gifting sustainable cuteness to loved ones.

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